One of my fave blog friends is Tristan of Blah Blah Blog. She is a designer/PR person, writer, artist extrordinaire, pretty, AND she lives the life in Beverly Hills. (OK, she maybe is not living THE life yet, but I am telling you this talented girl will make it big and soon)! She is hysterical, and a real smarty pants, and you KNOW how I love these 2 things together all wrapped up into one girl! She is engaged, but don't call him "Fancy," he felt he didn't fit that name, so now you must refer to him as "Ace."
Doesn't she have a great idea here? Encouraging all of us to look on the bright side, while also giving fabulous prizes! There are 28 artists donating gifts for the giveaways on this project. You won't guess who one of them is, or what sort of Sterling Silver charm she may be making!
Anyway, be sure to visit, because you could win prizes, AND you will have a ton of great reading to do, because once you start reading her, you can't quit. LOVE that girl.
Thanks for the comment. Love your blog. Denise