Friday, May 29, 2009

Inside, Outside, Upside Down!

Well, not exactly. You've seen inside, I feel upside down, and here is the outside!
Our view out back...
It's no big deal, but it's ours and we love it. Those trees above look beautiful with a gorgeous sunset behind them!
Gotta have a chandelier, yes even on the patio. I want to staple those tin votive cups on each tip of the chandelier. Yes, there is room, and we would only do it when we are out there... but I still can't convince the Mister... He thinks I'm a firebug or something!
Last year's hydrangeas are still good for something!
From deck, looking to yard next door...
Out the side kitchen window.

My Mom is still in the hospital, we just got home. She was rushed into surgery this evening, but it was "minor" this time, and seems ok so far. The hospital is my 2nd home. The window in her room in ICU is kind of nice, I'll take a pic. I want to sincerely thank you, my precious friends for all of your emails, posts, phone calls, love and especially prayers. Please keep it up. Word to the wise... if your Mom is shy, I hope you are a big mouth when something seems wrong! Love you all!

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