I LOVE rummage sales. Umm, are you surprised? Friday I planned my day around one downtown. I took my "lunch hour" at 8:45 a.m. (don't I have nice bosses)? and my friend Mary and I hopped over from work and zoomed through. There was a line around the block.
I found TWO mint condition vintage chenille bedspreads for $4.00. I nearly died when I saw the price! In my little cart they went. They rode around with me the entire time until the very end when I thought "what in the world am I going to do with these? I have no twin sized beds and nothing in my house is a rusty shade of rose (rose, yes but not rusty). Am I not CLEARING out the stuff in my basement? What in the world is wrong with me? I think I need a 12-step program." So back to the linen section they went in spite of all of the oohs and ahhs I got wheeling them around. Bummer. Good deal for someone! I left with my pride intact and this little goodie.
Have you ever seen one of these? I was thinking toothbrush and toothpaste, but the placement of the vent holes is wrong for a toothbrush. Make up brushes? I don't know. Everyone at work did research. One of my friends even trotted the thing around asking around if anyone had seen one of them "back in the day..." Nope. If you have an answer to the mystery please let me know. The label on back says "Bits 'o glamour" by Sally Gould Hand Painted."
I also got a few vintage books which you know I will be tearing up for collage charms in the near future! I may have gotten another thing or two, but um... I don't remember. I must find that number for the support group!
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