Tuesday, November 18, 2008

L no!

So, Joanne stores are closing out some pink sparkly letters, and those are three of my favorite things (sparkly, pink and sales)! I decided to get the letters to make another Halo Hill sign, this one for my newly cleaned out work room (soon to be cute studio, I hope)... So as you can see I couldn't get all of the letters for the Halo and the Hill. No Ls. This is an especially critical letter, as there are THREE of them in my name. L must be a very popular letter, as I have now checked both Joanne stores in Salem, to no avail. Ugh.

I arranged them randomly, I wonder if I am being mocked since the first two letters are HA! If I ever want to spell "O, hi" or "O, ha" though, I am in business! If YOUR name begins with L, please be polite and leave some Ls for others. C'mon, you're killing me here, people!

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1 comment:

  1. Hey! Rightbakatcha! Your blog is a blast. We could do some damage together no doubt.

    BTW...who is Tristen?!?!



My 2 cents worth: